Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Coasting Through: What am I DOING?

So I seriously feel like saying what Leeloo says, but in total repetition as if it's a mantra. I've done messed up...I dug myself in a hole. Lucky for me this metaphorical hole isn't all that deep, but for those of you who don't know me, I over think everything. Admittedly I haven't done a thing... not just for this particular class which I should be over the moon for, constantly updating and trekking about for info. It's most of my school work and even life. I'm in a personal funk like everything is calling my name and I have so many choices to make but all I end up doing is putting my fingers in my ears and muttering "nananana can't hear you world" like a little kid. I'm sorry to you my peers, readers, authority figures, and sorry to myself for not keeping up with my game.


  1. This class is very eventful, but just sitting down and writing something out can sometimes be very difficult especially in today's environment with the 24/7 news cycle and all the headlines on the internet can be very distracting but entertaining to research.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. In the path of life you can create your own destiny if you follow your dreams and believe in yourself.
    Don't stop working hard to find your dreams and listen the world.
