Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Coasting Through: What am I DOING?

So I seriously feel like saying what Leeloo says, but in total repetition as if it's a mantra. I've done messed up...I dug myself in a hole. Lucky for me this metaphorical hole isn't all that deep, but for those of you who don't know me, I over think everything. Admittedly I haven't done a thing... not just for this particular class which I should be over the moon for, constantly updating and trekking about for info. It's most of my school work and even life. I'm in a personal funk like everything is calling my name and I have so many choices to make but all I end up doing is putting my fingers in my ears and muttering "nananana can't hear you world" like a little kid. I'm sorry to you my peers, readers, authority figures, and sorry to myself for not keeping up with my game.

Monday, October 1, 2012

An Introduction

 Why hello there! This is quite the quaint little rendezvous. It has been a good long while since I have had the pleasure of an inaugurate post.  What to do? What to do? (Long pause and a stroke of the chin indicating deep thought).

Again greetings, I am Elle! The last time I did any sort of blogging was back in the early 2000s when I was a spry tween over on the Asian-tastic Xanga.com. Layouts, basic workings of HTML, comments, choosing the right welcome music, constant updates in paragraph form (not 100 characters or less! Scoff!), and page view counters were the ruling obsession back then. Many years later it seems to be the same thing sans the working knowledge of creating your own layout via HTML. All of us are more obsessed with how many comments, followers, likes, what have you. Guess all this blogging is here to stay and I'm back, hopefully with a more serious intent.

But anyway...

I have had a burning want of setting up a new blog and an elective class has finally given me the initiative/push I needed to get rolling.
Yes!! It's a class about blogging and extra yess!! New media tech!!Diving into what's expected, being the one man (one woman) show, cranking out cajoling content. Huzzah, a useful and modern class for me, a young reporter/aspiring journalist. Aside from personal commentary I am hoping this here blog and class will help me be more acquainted with multimedia reporting. Pictures, video packages, reports, my rants, micellaneous geek entertainment news, food reviews, maybe even documenting my adventures in the kitchen (food porn seems like the popular nomenclature) expect these things from me! YES!! It's the first night of class and I am excited to get going. I interviewed my first person and he'll be featured in a post real soon, so sit tight. Also, expect some coverage from the Eagle Rock Music Festival, at the very least some pictures of the crowd, DJs, and bands.
